Standards of Conduct

SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union is committed to creating a safe and welcoming environment for our Members and teammembers. We expect fair, respectful treatment and acceptance of people from all backgrounds. We strive to represent the broad diversity among our Membership and the communities we serve.

Should any teammember, Member, or other individual experience the behavior(s) outlined below, appropriate action will be taken by the Credit Union.

The following will not be tolerated and may lead to consequences up to and including closure of account(s) and removal from Membership (i.e., expulsion):

  • Any threats, bodily harm, or illegal activity against another Member, teammember or volunteer engaged in Credit Union business, or attempted harm towards a Credit Union Member, teammember or volunteer engaged in Credit Union business.
  • Any form of harassment, for example:
    • Age, sexual, ethnic, or racial harassment; racial or ethnic slurs; engaging in sexual conduct or making sexual overtures.
    • Inappropriate touching.
    • Making sexual flirtations, advances, or propositions; engaging in verbal abuse of a sexual, racial, or ethnic nature; making graphic or degrading comments about an individual or his/her appearance.
  • Fighting, kicking, or other physical harm or attempted harm towards a Credit Union Member, teammember, or volunteer engaged in Credit Union business. For example:
    • Engaging in offensive or abusive physical contact.
    • Making false, vicious, or malicious statements about any Credit Union teammember or volunteer or the Credit Union and its services, operations, policies, practices, or management.
  • Cursing or other abusive or vulgar language directed towards a Credit Union Member, teammember, or volunteer engaged in Credit Union business.
  • Possessing firearms or weapons or any hazardous or dangerous device on Credit Union premises.
  • Uncivil conduct or failure to maintain satisfactory or harmonious working relationships with other Members, teammembers, or volunteers at the Credit Union.
  • Attempting to coerce or interfere with a Credit Union teammember or volunteer in the performance of their duties at any time.
  • Conducting or attempting to conduct or engage in any fraudulent, dishonest or deceptive activity of any kind involving Credit Union teammembers or Credit Union services.
  • Deliberate or repeated violations of security procedures or safety rules.

This list is non-exhaustive and is used only as an example of types of behavior that may be deemed abusive by the Credit Union.
