Toy home protected by an umbrella against tilting blocks.

Home and Condo Insurance

We'll do the shopping for you.

Our agents will help you find saving opportunities and discounts.

Homeowners Insurance

Make sure you're protected from losses due to fire, lightning, burglary, vandalism, storms and more.

Condominium Insurance

Get coverage for interior walls and floors, personal property and personal injury.

Earthquake Insurance

This separate policy helps you recover, replace and rebuild if a tremor damages your home.

Darlene J. and Family
Member Since 1980

We'll Help You Insure Your New Home

Get the coverage you need with an unbiased insurance review from a SchoolsFirst Insurance Services agent. We can help you find the most affordable rate — and decide if it's better to stick with your current insurer or switch.

Your agent will help you compare companies, rates and discounts that could lower your premiums. See if you can save even more on insurance by combining home and auto coverage.

We'll help you achieve the dream of homeownership.

Full-Service Homebuying with SchoolsFirst FCU Home360®

We'll pair you with a loan consultant and local real estate agent to guide you through every step of buying or selling your home, with expert advice and exclusive discounts to save you thousands.


Protecting Your Home

Female agent talking into a headset in front of a desktop computer.

Working with an Independent Insurance Agent

Calculator and money laying on a table.

Determine Your Fixed-Rate Loan Payment

Get the Right Home Insurance Coverage

Phone handset in circle.

Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Saturday, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Get Personalized Guidance

Talk to an insurance agent to discuss your options.

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Joining SchoolsFirst FCU is quick and easy. Apply for Membership today.


Offered by SchoolsFirst Insurance Services, LLC. CA Insurance License 0I19344.

Purchasing an insurance product from SchoolsFirst Insurance Services is not required to originate a loan with SchoolsFirst FCU.