With these unique savings accounts designed specially to meet the needs of school employees, you'll be prepared during the summer months when you don't receive a paycheck.​

Summer Saver

Automatically set aside up to $2,000 each month to help save for the summer.


Paycheck Planner

Distribute your paychecks over 12 months instead of 10 or 11 months, to help you manage your budget.

  • Available only to public school employees in participating districts.
  • Earn 6.50% APY1,2 on your savings.
  • You can make one additional deposit of $3,000 each school year.


  1. APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rate is valid as of 03/18/2025 , accurate as of last dividend declaration date, variable and subject to change after account opening.
  2. Partial withdrawals are not permitted, will result in closure of the share certificate and will incur a penalty equal to 90 days loss of dividends. If a Paycheck Planner is closed due to an early withdrawal, a new share may not be opened until the following school year. Fees could reduce the earnings on the account. 

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